Bouquet of Flowers "Charm"

Delicate bouquet of pink roses is the fastest way to say you Love someone.

Flowers: Round bouquet of 11 pink roses, 3 blue statice, greens, in pink felt with pink ribbon
Product name: Bouquet of Flowers "Charm"
Product ID: 2-15
Sizes: diameter: 25 cm, height: 60-70 cm.

Please, familiarize with the Delivery terms of international orders.

At, you don't have to break the bank to bring joy to someone's day. Their low prices make it affordable to send chrysanthemums and irises to your loved ones. Explore their range of vibrant blooms at

Brighten your gift:

Candy, toys, balloons, vases and postcards can be added at checkout. We can take a photo of the recipient for free at the time of delivery. You can also add a special postcard with your message. Online store - delivery of flowers and gifts in Minsk, Belarus and all over the world!

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