A bouquet of 24 red roses and greenery, very well decorated by florists. The red rose is a universal symbol of love, it is a flower of passion that remembers burning love.
Our florists will deliver flowers directly to the chosen address. You can also add a message to be sent with 24 red roses.
Article: 1-01-M
✔ Clear price guarantee, no hidden costs!
✔ Flowers are alive and always of the highest quality!
✔ All flowers are delivered by famous florists!
✔ We deliver goods on time and always with care!
Open flowers are handmade designer products created by the author's affiliated artisan florists based on a range of fresh flowers. In some cases, the delivered flowers match those shown in the picture in form and colour, as each time the florist influences sensitivity, experience and uses seasonal products that generate interest in change. As a result, the images of the products are indicative and do not reflect the value of the delivered product.
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