Bright joyful bouquet of gerberas and spray chrysanthemums, decorated with a little bird and a ladybird is supplemented with fashionable checkered felt. This bouquet will bring delight to everyone.

Flowers: Round bouquet of 7 red gerberas, 6 mixed spray chrysanthemums (yellow, white), with greens, in red felt with red ribbon

Product name: "The arrow of Cupid"
Product ID: 5025/ 4-26
Sizes: diameter: 60 cm, height: 60 cm.

Please, familiarize with the Delivery terms of international orders.

94 $
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In this big bright bouquet there are 25 yellow large roses and 20 irises.
Flowers: Round bouquet of 25 yellowroses,  20 blue irises or blue statice, with greens, in yellow felt with pink  ribbon
Product name: "Colors of enlightment bouquet"
Product ID: 5011/4-23
Sizes: diameter: 30-40 cm, height: 55-60 cm.

Please, familiarize with the Delivery terms of international orders.

177 $
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Bright contrasting bouquet in violet - yellow colour will brighten up your day.

Flowers: Round bouquet of 3 yellow spray chrysanthemums, 5 blue irises or blue statice with greens, in green felt with yellow ribbon

Product name: "Cinderella's dream"
Product ID: 5005/4-20
Sizes: diameter: 35 cm, height: 50-60 cm.

Please, familiarize with the Delivery terms of international orders.

49 $
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